We Provide Care, That Your Pet Deserves

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Dog Walking in group sessions,  secure dog pens, and all the love your pet deserves.

secure dog pens

Bookable Secure Pens

Both Pens have 6ft high secure fencing with off road parking. If you want to practice recall, do some training or just take some time out away from others to allow your dog to just run free in a safe environment then this is the place to visit.

Both Pens are bookable by 30 mins for £6 or 60 mins for £10. (price is for 1 dog, additional dogs £1 each)

Dog Pen 1 ( 1/3 of an Acre )

Dog Pen 2 ( 1 Acre )

Visited yesterday for the first time and it certainly won’t be the last, our dog had a great time running around the secure pen, definitely worth a visit just for them to play or do some 1-1 training.

H. Kirsop

Any Questions, Drop us a message here

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